Hurrah! My Peg Loom and Weaving Sticks Book is Done- so far…

Hurrah and, Whee and wow and whew…..

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

I am such a happy and rather exhausted bunny.

A couple of days before my actual deadline, I  finished the manuscript, photos, diagrams and photo coding for my new book: Peg Looms & Weaving Sticks: Woven Projects & Techniques, Basics & Beyond.

Wow. BEFORE deadline. Wow.

My lovely editor is off in Scotland perusing fibery goodness there, so bless her heart, she has said to me to take a week or so to do the proofreading.  I love my editor.

Taking a week or so to do the proofreading is the most sanity saving way of doing the slow and essential plod plod plod through the manuscript, so I am eternally grateful that she has suggested this.  Like I said. I. Love. My. Editor.

The final couple of weeks of finishing the book were grindingly intense and the last few days were proper pinchers, so I have been having some delicious recovery naps in the last couple of days.

Changing gears and shifting back into ‘real life’ is a quietly satisfying process.

I got explosively inspired for the ~NEXT~ book, so have been galloping into it, being incredibly inspired and feeling all excited and delighted and then taking another recovery nap.


And, now…. for a few hours of sipping tea and sending my eyeballs on a mission across the screen:

Must. Find. All. The. Errors.

Must. Polish. Any. Clumsiness.

And, then…. I’ll take another lovely nap.

I love this book.

I love the next one.




Filed under Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Peg and Stick Loom weaving, weaving & handwoven, Writing a book

17 responses to “Hurrah! My Peg Loom and Weaving Sticks Book is Done- so far…

  1. wiredwirefox

    I’m right with you! “Hurrah and, Whee and wow and whew…..”
    I love you can have a little nap now and then. You earned the naps. I am very excited and thrilled for you. I’m excited for me too. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations!!! All will be well!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. minilooms11

    Oh my Goodness—you have clearly earned your nap!. It must feel like an anvil has been lifted from your head. I am so so proud of you—congratulations!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Donna 🙂 Yes, the last push to the finish line was incredibly grueling, but so worth it. I am filled with joy and delight. And, once I have completed the proof reading, I will feel another level of contentment! 🙂


  4. Congratulations! When is the book out? Now go have another delicious nap.

    Liked by 1 person

    • June 2016 and Thank you 😀 Actually, I have fallen under the spell of the Next new book and I am headed off to the woodworking room to build some new little looms that I have designed for the Next New book 🙂


  5. Irene

    Noreen, Congratulations. I’m ready to get my hands on it now, Irene

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Irene! There’s still a year of work that the lovely folks at Stackpole Books have to do before it can be in your hands, but I hope that once it is, that you will enjoy it mightily! 🙂


  6. patriciakpope

    Does it give uses for the stick weaving? I’m looking forward to ordering it

    Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 00:11:35 +0000 To:

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Caroline

    Weeee I am soooooo excited I’m bouncing for you squeezy hug!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Kelly Timmons

    Has this book been released yet? Just wondering because it’s on Amazon for over $600.



    • Hi Kelly
      No, the book won’t be released until Sept 2017. When Stackpole books was sold to another publisher, the book was delayed for more than a year.
      I am so happy that it will actually be released!

      Hmmm…. people have been telling me that they have been pre-ordering it from Amazon, but I am not sure why it’s only showing up with a crazy $660 price tag. Hopefully, this will get sorted asap.


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