Woven Women-Butterfly Transformation

I am weaving a series that I am calling: ” Woven Women”. They are mixed media fiber art pieces that are a celebration of the Feminine Divine.

I showed the Butterfly Transformation Woven Woman piece in a how to video today, so I figured that I should show a few more photos of her.

So, here she is:

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

The Woven Women are all woven on many different small looms.

I wove Butterfly Transformation Woven Woman on inkle looms, tablets, a 4 harness Structo loom (8 inches wide), and a tapestry loom.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

In the photo above, you can see how I gathered the upper curved section by pulling up warp strands to ruffle the weaving.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

The lower curved sections were drawn up in more graduated curves to make a flatter arc and not a ruffle.

And, here’s the Butterfly at her heart and in her prayer…

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

Butterfly Transformation (Prayer) Woven Woman is my prayer for wellness for all the creatures of this beautiful planet, no matter how small or large.

All images are copyright protected and are owned by Noreen Crone-Findlay.

(I  posted about one of the other Woven Women, and will post more photos of other Woven Women soon. LINK: Green Empress)


Filed under weaving & handwoven, Woven Women tapestries and woven works

9 responses to “Woven Women-Butterfly Transformation

  1. Pingback: Video tutorial-How to shape fabric by pulling the warp strands | Tottie Talks Crafts Blog

  2. This is gorgeous! I am facilitating a Divine Feminine class tonight and we just happen to be working on spirit dolls. I am going to bring along my computer and share you work with the group.


  3. Alekesa

    This is a creation of enormous beauty! There is such a sense of serenity about it.


  4. Bren

    Beautiful and serene! I love the composition of it!


  5. Thank you so much, Bren! 🙂


  6. caroline

    What a beautiful creation, it takes my breath away and touches the heart xx


  7. Thank you so much, Caroline! It was a joy to weave her, and was very contemplative and meditative. 🙂


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