Monthly Archives: August 2017

Projects in Peg Looms and Weaving Sticks Book- Part 2- Wearables

I was very surprised the other day, when a friend in England sent me a photo of herself, holding ‘Peg Looms and Weaving Sticks’!

I haven’t received my copy yet, so I was amazed to see that it has made it’s way to England before it’s official release date.

It was neat to see what the final version of the front cover looks like.

I still don’t know what the back cover looks like 🙂

So, this video, which I had planned to be a ‘Sneak Peek’ at the book, isn’t really a sneak peek since some people already have it (even if I don’t!)

In this video, I am focusing on the wearables in the book.

The book can be ordered from the Book Depository- I’d never heard of them until my editor told me about them, but I think it’s great that they ship worldwide,  free.  LINK 

Happy weaving!


Filed under book review/book/books, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Peg and Stick Loom weaving, peg looms and weaving sticks, weaving & handwoven

Projects in Peg Looms and Weaving Sticks book- Part 1

I’ve just made a video that shows some of the projects in my book, Peg Looms & Weaving Sticks

(release date: Sept. 1, 2017).

I’ll be making more videos, showing more of the projects in the book.

The book is available online from the National Book Depository: LINK and from local bookstores.

Happy Weaving!

(I am seriously Happy, happy dancing!)


Filed under book review/book/books, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Peg and Stick Loom weaving, peg looms and weaving sticks, weaving & handwoven, Writing a book

Yarn Tassel Dolls to make with Weaving Sticks

We have a tradition in our family of making Christmas/Holiday ornaments for our family and friends.

I have been thinking about what I should make for this year.

I always start working on them in the summer so I can get lots of them done.

This year, I wanted to celebrate my Peg Loom and Weaving Stick book being published, so, I designed Tassel dolls to weave with weaving sticks.

I am putting hooks on the back of them so they can be hung on Christmas trees, garlands or wreaths.
The Tassel Dolls can also have pins or loops so they can be worn on the lapel or the zipper of a bag.
I made the Tassel Dolls with weaving sticks from Dewberry Ridge Looms:

Here is the how to video that shows the step by step instructions for making the Weaving Stick Tassel Dolls:


Happy Weaving!  Have fun making Tassel yarn dolls!


Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, doll & dolls & dollmaking & doll making, gifts & easy to make gifts & presents, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Peg and Stick Loom weaving, peg looms and weaving sticks, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, weaving & handwoven