Peg loom tapestry Dreaming the Well

I am working on a series of woven piece, called, ‘Woven Women’.

Here is my most recent Woven Woman,  ‘Dreaming the Well’.

I wove her on a peg loom.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

Here she is, with the weaving complete, still on the pegs of the loom.

And, then, I got out my felting needles and spent many, many, many hours, felting the details onto her:

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

And here are some closer looks.

She’s 27 inches tall by 17 inches wide (69 cm by 43 cm).

Unfortunately, my camera messes with the colors and makes the edges harsher… the felting does soften things up very nicely.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

The images are based on meditations, dreams and just whatever wanted to be woven at that moment.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

I keep promising to show more of the Woven Women pieces, so I will post more pics of them throughout the next few days, so stay tuned!

Mustn’t leave without giving credit to my daughter in law, for many of the handspun yarns in ‘Dreaming the Well’: LINK

And, as always…. go gently and with joy! 😀


Filed under Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Peg and Stick Loom weaving, peg looms and weaving sticks, weaving & handwoven, Woven Women tapestries and woven works

26 responses to “Peg loom tapestry Dreaming the Well

  1. Jan

    Oh, Noreen, your weaving is stunning! I just love the bright colours and the felting on your pattern. Your new peg loom has been beautifully and lovingly utilized for its first project.


  2. Thank you so much, Jan!!! I really appreciate your kind comment! It’s always an anxious moment to put up photos of a new piece!


  3. Aleksa

    Oh, she is so beautiful! And I love your benediction at the end…


  4. 😀 Thank you so much, Aleksa! 😀


  5. Barbara Pretzsch

    Love your weaving. Thanks for keeping me on your mailing list.
    Barbara P


  6. Thank you so much, Barbara! 🙂


  7. Love it! The needle-felting is inspired. Can’t wait to see more of your Women – perfect timing for their appearance, Women’s History Month!


  8. Thank you so much, Zann 😀
    Ah! I had forgotten that it’s women’s history (herstory) month!
    Will definitely get more photos up! 🙂


  9. OK, please stop the music. I’ve been very intrigued with stick looms before but didn’t know that you could do the discontinuous weaving found in tapestry! How wonderful! But how do you do it?



  10. Hi Diane
    I don’t know what you mean when you say, ‘please stop the music’…. (puzzled face)
    I’ll add how to do a tutorial on how to do discontinous weaving on the peg loom. to my ‘must get to it’ list 🙂


  11. I see you don’t want people to Pin from your site. I think I Pinned something from you awhile back, so I will try to find it and remove it. If you can add a bit of code to your blog template, you can just block any Pinning automatically.
    Here’s how from the Pinterest FAQ:

    “What if I don’t want images from my site to be pinned?
    We have a small piece of code you can add to the head of any page on your site:

    When a user tries to pin from your site, they will see this message:

    “This site doesn’t allow pinning to Pinterest. Please contact the owner with any questions. Thanks for visiting!”


  12. OOps, the code didn’t show up.
    It’s the very last question on this FAQ page (I don’t think you have to be signed in on Pinterest to see it.)


  13. Thanks, Zann. It’s my gallery pieces, especially, the Woven Women series that I am most concerned about. I really don’t mind people pinning pictures of my designs and patterns, but it concerns me that once an image is pinned and re-pinned, it becomes the property of Pinterest and they can do what they want with it, and the link leads back to Pinterest, not to the original creator of the image.
    I have balked at joining Pinterest because of the policy that gives them full access to your FB account and allows them to post AS IF THEY are you…. that sets alarm bells ringing.
    Also, they say that you are not supposed to pin your own work, but only pin the work of other people… and at the same time you are only supposed to pin images that you own copyright to… um? how does that make sense?
    Anyhow, back to making art…


  14. Alice Michaud

    THE woven women are beautiful Noreen. You are a very creative person.


  15. Linda Flotow

    Noreen, your woven women are beautiful! I love seeing the latest one still on the peg loom and then with the felted embellishments added. I realized that I didn’t know how peg looms worked, so did some research and now I understand how the ‘Dreaming the Well’ woman was made. You are tremendously creative!!


  16. More beauty! The phrase, “in the heart of the flower” reminded me of a meditation created by two of the healers at the B.C. Cancer Agency during the time my partner was being treated for cancer. Thank you!


  17. Sharon

    Noreen, as always you continue to inspire so many of us. I am going to try and set up my stick loom when I get a chance. Many, many thanks


  18. Pingback: Woven Women- In the Heart of the Flower | Tottie Talks Crafts Blog

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