Thumbelina Loom Tapestry Diary Tiny Dog

Today’s Tapestry Diary is ‘Tiny Dog’.

A small dog  with a huge heart.

A small dog with a huge heart.

This is an homage to a very small dog that we are caring for while his people are dealing with tough stuff.

Raeleen has had a liver transplant and other surgery, so we are helping out by caring for their darling little dog for as long as they need us to.

We have fallen completely in love with him, and he is doing just brilliantly.

It will be hard to have him go home again, but it will also be perfectly fabulous, because it will mean that Rae is well enough to be back at home!

We live in amazing times- medical expertise is astonishing, and our friends are going to have more years together because of that, and I feel blessed.

I was thinking about the miracles around us, and about the love that connects us all- to friends, to animal companions, to family in all the ways it is created. It fills me with gratitude.

To put those thoughts into stitches, I wove this tiny tapestry of a small dog who brings much love into the world, using my Thumbelina loom. LINK

I tried something new- I added a twisted cord (I used the Thumbelina loom to make it… I must show how I did that!) to the outside edge.

And, then I pressed it.  Derp.

STEAM tapestry – don’t PRESS it!  the lovely corded edge went all floopy from being pressssssssed.  sigh.

I know that!  I know that….

Trying to get the detail of a Chihuahua face into that small a space proved verrrrrrrrrrrrrry challenging.

That’s okay…. that’s part of the ‘permission form’ with Tapestry diaries:

Feel free to try things and see how it goes- even if it’s not technically perfect, it’s still a learning time, and a time out of the day for quiet contemplation and meditation, so Win/Win.

Here’s to love, in all the ways it shows up! ❤



Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, tapestry, weaving & handwoven

6 responses to “Thumbelina Loom Tapestry Diary Tiny Dog

  1. maitrilibellule

    How utterly charming! I absolutely love the wee dog and I am amazed, as always, at the magical things that you create. Are you going to send the wee tapestry to your friend in the hospital so she can have her baby with her while she recovers? I think that would be splendid! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Maitri. I don’t think that it could go into the ICU- they run it like an operating room. I knitted her a compassion/healing shawl to wrap up and cuddle in- but I don’t know if she can have that right now. She;s doing fabulously! Our whole family is thrilled! 🙂 Thank you so much for sending healing prayers for her!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Laura-Lynn

    Oh my goodness! This is truly stunning! My husband and I have 4 wee rescue doggies that are all part chi! So your love for them is truly shared….Thank you for sharing this Noreen! It made my heart happy!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwww, thank you so much, Laura-Lynn 🙂 My husband, Jim, and I have always had rescues as our animal companions, too. We love our furkids to bits, and are honored that Larry and Rae chose us to look after their dear little treasure while Raeleen is in hospital. We have no idea how long it will be, but we will be loving him to bits the whole time. 🙂


  3. Beautiful post! Beautiful tapestry. Lucky dog to be blessed by your caring and to bless you in return. That is SO clearly a chihuahua face and I’m dazzled that you were able to create it in that tiny space. Good on ya!

    Liked by 1 person

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