Yes that is my necklace design on the Lion Brand site

A new design went live on the Lion Brand website today. It’s for a spool knitted Celtic Interlace medallion necklace.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay

A very beautiful Celtic Interlace necklace, even if I say so myself….


Since the pattern went live,

people have been saying:

‘Hey… Noreen!

Have you seen this? It looks just like one of your designs!’

And,  with a grin that

reaches all the way round…

I have been responding:

‘Why yes! I have seen it…. and yeppers… it IS one of mine!’  LOL!

Here’s the link: Celtic Interlace Medallion Necklace pattern on the Lion Brand site

Spool knitting works beautifully for making jewelry, and I have designed lots of wearable pieces in spool knitting.

It was a pleasure to design these necklaces for Lion Brand. I used their ‘Vanna’s Glamour’ yarn, which is very springy and stretchy, so it works well for making lightweight, very comfortable jewelry. The touch of glitter in them is great, and I like that it is really soft, and not scratchy, like some metallic yarns.

Because of the flexibility of spool knitting, you don’t need fittings or closures for the necklace.

If you want to add beads, you can certainly do that, too…

I also wrote an article  for Lion Brand about spool knitting, too:

Article about Spool knitting on Lion Brand Site

One lady wrote to me, after reading the article and asked exactly what spool knitting is, and how is it done.

To see what you can do with it, and to see some video tutorials on how to do it, click on

Spool knitting on Crone-Findlay Creations (the video links are at the bottom of the page)

Happy Spool Knitting!


Filed under jewelry, spool knitter & spoolknitter & spool knitting & spool knitting

12 responses to “Yes that is my necklace design on the Lion Brand site

  1. Aleksa

    Lucky Lion Brand to have access to your gifts, and lucky readers to be able to expand their skills through your work!


  2. My spool knitter and yarn from Lion Brand, are coming through the mail, it is totally awesome, I love it.

    And thank you for designing the Celtic Knot necklace, thank you very much!


  3. Hi Nancy,
    I hope that you will enjoy making and wearing it!
    Happy Spool knitting!


  4. Congratulations, Noreen! And thank you for sharing all the links with details. The necklaces are lovely!!


  5. How exciting! They are great…and now I am going to go send all of my friends to the Lion Brand site to see them!


  6. Thank you so much, Eileen and June- most appreciated!


  7. Pingback: Artsy Bloggers links for May 16 2010 « Tottie Talks Crafts Blog

  8. Pingback: Artsy Blogger Roundup~ Middle Of May Already? Edition | The Home and Garden Cafe

  9. How exciting! The necklace is beautiful, Noreen.


  10. Thank you so much, Cherie! 🙂


  11. Marjorie Hill

    I enjoyed the spool knitting tutorial and had fun doing the project with my granddaughter; however, I can’t seem to make the knot and get it to stay in place when sewn at the points of joining. Did you enlarge the knot in order to fit it all in? I desperately want to make this as a successful project for two of my granddaughters I visited for Thanksgiving. Please advise me how to proceed.


    • Hi Marjorie
      Did you enlarge the pattern to fill the entire page when you copied it? That’s important to do.
      Also, did you use the yarn that is suggested in the pattern? If you substituted another yarn, you may have to tweak it, as you will get a heavier cord with a thicker yarn. (Some readers did this and then wondered why it didn’t work.)
      🙂 Hope you can adjust it so yours works for you. 🙂


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