Tag Archives: twig buttons

How to make buttons from twigs and branches

I love making one of a kind wooden buttons from twigs and branches that I find on the ground.

It’s a great eco-friendly project that is upcycling at its best.

They are a great way of embellishing hand woven, knitted, or crocheted fabric, or to make a sewn garment or accessory even more special.

You don’t have to have a woodworking shop full of power tools to make lovely wooden buttons- a few simple  hand tools are all that are necessary.

Here is the video that I made, showing how to make 3 different kinds of buttons from the same twig.

I hope that you will have a wonderful time making your own unique buttons:



Filed under eco crafts & green projects, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, woodwork

Button button I love making buttons

The title of this post says it all.

I. Love. Making. Buttons. 🙂

I have been making them all my adult life, using different mediums, and right now, I am in a love love love state about making wooden buttons.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I enjoy making eco friendly buttons from the trees that fall down in our grove, or from the twigs and wood that my sisters-in-law prune from the gorgeous arbutus tree in their yard.

But recently, my friend, Molly, asked me to make thinner buttons….

So, I have been making thinner buttons, and loving it!

I’ve been doing wood burning for decades, and really enjoy embellishing the buttons with ‘pyrography’ (wood burning).

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I will start getting them into my etsy shop next week.

I was surprised to learn that mailing them isn’t as expensive as I thought it would be, so it is definitely something I will follow through on.

(People asked me if I would do this, and I said no, because I thought that the postage would be insane. Ahem…. after I actually checked it out…. ahem…. it turns out to be ‘yes’)  🙂

I am participating in lots of artisan’s markets/maker’s faires and outdoor festivals this summer, so I will post the dates for those on my facebook page- LINK

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

In my previous post, I showed how to make  3 different styles of closures using a lucet… LINK

This makes special buttons even more special 🙂


Filed under buttons, craft shows and makers faires, eco crafts & green projects, gifts & easy to make gifts & presents, woodwork

Green crafts -Twig buttons with spool knitted cords

I was given a leather coat about a year or so ago.  I was delighted, as I have always wanted one.


I ended up leaving it in the closet…. it just felt frumpy.

I thought that perhaps I might turn it into a leather skirt, as I have always wanted one of those, too.

But then, my daughter showed up wearing a great leather jacket that she had just bought at the second hand store. She looks fabulous in it, and it made me think….. hmmmmm…..

maybe I should look again at the leather coat.

I realized that it was the buttons! Boring, boring boring….

So, I decided to get adventurous.

I consulted Tottie Tomato, who suggested:


that I use some of my stash of treasured arbutus wood (aka madrona) twigs.

I LOVE arbutus, and when we make our yearly visit to the west coast, I always bring home twigs that my sister in law saves for me when she prunes their arbutus tree. (Arbutus don’t grow where we live, sigh.)

So, I cut up one of the arbutus twigs, drilled holes and sanded the ends.


a box of fine buttons!


Next step: Spool knit 4 or 5 inch long cords for the buttons:


and sew the ends together to make a loop


and choose flat buttons to be the anchors on the inside of the coat.

Then, sew the buttons on:


and now the coat is REALLY fun to wear!


I am just loving it.

The arbutus twig buttons remind me of one of my most favorite places on earth, and an old coat that was languishing in the back of the closet has a whole new life.

By the way, the wire pin doll on the lapel is one that I made with wire from a yard sale.

I’ve been making wire dollies since I was a little kid. My dad used to bring home scrap wire from work for me.  I was a dollmaker even then, and designed the little wire people and gave them to all my friends and relations. And, here I am , a million years later, still making little wire people from left over wire…..

I was born to be an eco crafter.

Image Source: Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright


Filed under eco crafts & green projects, tutorial & how to