Tag Archives: wood buttons

How to make buttons from twigs and branches

I love making one of a kind wooden buttons from twigs and branches that I find on the ground.

It’s a great eco-friendly project that is upcycling at its best.

They are a great way of embellishing hand woven, knitted, or crocheted fabric, or to make a sewn garment or accessory even more special.

You don’t have to have a woodworking shop full of power tools to make lovely wooden buttons- a few simple  hand tools are all that are necessary.

Here is the video that I made, showing how to make 3 different kinds of buttons from the same twig.

I hope that you will have a wonderful time making your own unique buttons:



Filed under eco crafts & green projects, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, woodwork

Button button I love making buttons

The title of this post says it all.

I. Love. Making. Buttons. 🙂

I have been making them all my adult life, using different mediums, and right now, I am in a love love love state about making wooden buttons.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I enjoy making eco friendly buttons from the trees that fall down in our grove, or from the twigs and wood that my sisters-in-law prune from the gorgeous arbutus tree in their yard.

But recently, my friend, Molly, asked me to make thinner buttons….

So, I have been making thinner buttons, and loving it!

I’ve been doing wood burning for decades, and really enjoy embellishing the buttons with ‘pyrography’ (wood burning).

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I will start getting them into my etsy shop next week.

I was surprised to learn that mailing them isn’t as expensive as I thought it would be, so it is definitely something I will follow through on.

(People asked me if I would do this, and I said no, because I thought that the postage would be insane. Ahem…. after I actually checked it out…. ahem…. it turns out to be ‘yes’)  🙂

I am participating in lots of artisan’s markets/maker’s faires and outdoor festivals this summer, so I will post the dates for those on my facebook page- LINK

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

In my previous post, I showed how to make  3 different styles of closures using a lucet… LINK

This makes special buttons even more special 🙂


Filed under buttons, craft shows and makers faires, eco crafts & green projects, gifts & easy to make gifts & presents, woodwork

Handmade wooden buttons

There’s been a nice long hiatus since the winter maker’s faires ended and the spring ones begin.

I’ve taken advantage of the time away from the markets/faires to be extremely productive.

I love making (and using!) handmade wooden buttons, so I have been ‘button, buttoning’ like mad.

(and of course, had to build a display for them, too!)

I am sooooooo pleased with how they have turned out.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay www.crone-findlay.com

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I’ll have them at the next Mercer Maker’s Market on Saturday March 29 from 10 -4 (The Mercer is on the corner of 104 ave and 104 St), so Edmonton peeps, I hope to see you there!




Filed under buttons, craft shows and makers faires, eco crafts & green projects