Tag Archives: frame loom

More Video Glimpses into Innovative Weaving on the Frame Loom book

In the previous post, I shared a video about the clothing in ‘Innovative Weaving on the Frame Loom’, my newest book.

Here are 2 more little videos that show glimpses of the projects in the book:


And, this video tells the true and poignant story behind the apple tree twig handles on one of the knotted lace market bags:

‘Innovative Weaving on the Frame Loom’ is available from all the online book seller websites, and you can order it from your local bookshop.

It’s available worldwide.

Happy Weaving! ❤


Filed under book review/book/books, frame loom weaving, lace making, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, weaving & handwoven

Innovative Frame Loom Weaving book- Clothing

Here’s a peek at the clothing that you can weave using frame looms- all the instructions are in Innovative Frame Loom Weaving 🙂

The book is available worldwide on all the usual internet book sellers, and can also be ordered from your local bookshop.


Filed under book review/book/books, frame loom weaving, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, weaving & handwoven

Pivoting clamp for pipe style tapestry loom

The Archie Brennan copper pipe looms are easy-ish to build and wonderful to weave on.

Here’s a link to the instructions that we used to build mine: LINK

It struck me that warping the pipe loom would be so much easier if I could pivot and spin the loom.

I saw a video on Youtube that showed a woman rotating her loom to warp it and that got my gears clicking.

And, so, I designed a set of pivoting clamps for the pipe loom, and now warping the pipe loom is just BLISS!!!!!

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

Here’s the video tutorial for them in action:

By the way, the finished size of my clamps is:

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I am pleased as can be with them!

Note: The clamps can easily be moved on or off looms that are already warped, so switching looms on and off a stand is easy peasy.

To see the stand that we built, please go to


Happy weaving!


Filed under Loom & looms & small loom weaving, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, weaving & handwoven