Tag Archives: #noreencrone-findlay

How Fairy Tales Influence My Work

I love the fairy tale, ‘Vasilisa The Fair’, which is a Russian story of a feisty and stalwart young woman with the usual cast of troublesome characters… miserable step mother and step sisters etc’ with the astonishing Baba Yaga thrown in to boot.

I discovered the story more than 45 years ago in a gorgeous version that was told by Alexander Pushkin and illustrated with gobsmackingly exquisite pattern and color play by Ivan Bilibin.

The part that I have always loved the most in the fairy tale is that Vasilisa’s mother wanted to embody her love and feelings of protection for her daughter

when she knew that she was dying and grieving the leaving of her child.

So, she made Vasilisa a small doll that carried all her love for Vasilisa, and became a mentor and guide.

The little doll that the loving mother made was a living blessing for her beloved child that she had to leave too soon.

In my workshops on dollmaking as a healing art, I have always told the story of Vasilisa and her mother making the blessing doll.

I invited participants to make a doll that would represent Vasilisa’s doll for them.

So that’s my history of Vasilisa’s doll….

A few weeks ago, I shared a photo of a  Comfort Doll that I named: Middle Sister, to a dollmaking group on Facebook that focuses on healing dolls.

This dolly spoon is one that insisted on me ‘getting her right’, and  I wrote about that process HERE 

The moderator of the group said that the Middle Sister doll made her think of Vasilisa’s doll,

which hadn’t occurred to me as I was thinking that I was being influenced by the  thousands of Comfort Bears that I have woven, knitted and crocheted over the past 20+ years.

But, the moderator’s comment gave me a   H.U.G.E   ‘AHA’

Yes! indeed!

I felt that this little doll, who was the third in my ‘Comfort Doll’ series

was VERY much an homage to that wonderful energy of  Vasilisa’s doll.

Here are the first 2 dolls in their original state:

I had been feeling that these 2 dolls were not finished… they needed to be painted… which I struggled with,

because I had been wrestling with adding color and somehow thinking that it was against the rules,

(Huh? What rules? Who made them? um… I did… oh)

And, so I jumped into the wonderful fairy tale energy of color and pattern, and re-imagined these two little dolls:

Big Sister:

and Little Sister:

And, NOW, they are truly what they are supposed to be!  Hurrah!

The Three Sisters have been joined by 2 more Vasilisa Comfort Dolls:

I was processing having seen 2 heart wrenching documentaries about grim realities in the world,

and that sorrow flowed out into this Comfort Doll:

Her name is: Vasilisa Comfort Doll: She Stood at the Lake of Sorrow.

I tried to lift some of the sorrow from her face, but she said not to do that….

to acknowledge the sorrow but reach for the beauty.

So I did.

And, the latest little Vasilisa Doll is part of a series of carved wooden dolls that are also spoons,

that I am carving flowers into.

We live in a winter world here in Western Canada, and I am longing for flowers!

So I am carving them!

This is Vasilisa Comfort Doll: Sweet Little Flower:

Carving out space to honor the sorrow and reach for the Beauty,

as well as the longing for flowers is very much a Vasilisa thing to do,

so, I believe that this is how a fairy tale percolates through my mind,

and influences my work as an artist.

Oh yes, one more thing: The Vasilisa Comfort Dolls have Heart shape spoons as essential elements of them,

which is a powerful metaphor for me about gathering the love,

and stirring up healing and empowering energy.

I think that Vasilisa’s mother would approve.

What fairy tale stirs your soul?



Filed under carving wood, doll & dolls & dollmaking & doll making, eco crafts & green projects, spoon carving, Tottie Tomato Loves, upcycling, wooden dolls, woodwork

Potholder Loom Weaving book- preview- Wall Hangings

I was asked by someone yesterday what loom to buy to learn how to weave wall hangings.

What a great question!  Why?  Because I designed lots of wall hangings for my new book: Potholder Loom Weaving

The book is available for pre-ordering from all the online booksellers and will be available in bookstores in early 2020. Here’s a link: L I N K

And here are links to order potholder looms:

Harrisville Designs

Dewberry Ridge

Wool Novelty Co

And, here is a video showing a sneak peek at the Wall Hangings in the book:



Filed under book review/book/books, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, potholder loom, weaving & handwoven

My new book on Potholder Loom Weaving

For the last couple of years, I have been working 24/7 on 2 new books as well as a solo show of my mixed media wovenworks.

I am so delighted that both books will be released in 2020 in bookstores worldwide.

My publisher, Stackpole Books/Rowman/Littlefield has made ‘Potholder Loom Weaving’  available online worldwide for pre-ordering.

It will be on bookshelves worldwide in January of 2020.  😀

It’s a BIG book!   It is 264 pages of tons and tons and tons of techniques and projects and I am thrilled to bits with it!

You can pre-order the paperback version of it now from all the online book sellers, and here’s a link to the Book Depository, who ships worldwide for free: LINK

The electronic versions of the book will be available in January- I don’t think it can be pre-ordered for Kindle etc yet.

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Filed under book review/book/books, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, potholder loom, weaving & handwoven

Follow the Thread Mixed Media Weaving- Terpsichore

The last couple of years have been really intense as I have been working night and day on two new books as well as new tapestries and woven works.

One of the books is now up online available for pre-order (I’ll post links asap) and one of the series of tapestries is now in the gallery (Harcourt House Gallery in Edmonton), awaiting the opening on October 18.

This piece is from my ‘Follow the Thread’ series of mixed media weavings:” Terpsichore- Carmen’s Birds”.

Terpsichore is the muse of the dance.

This piece is definitely influenced by my husband, Jim Findlay‘s commitment to playing flamenco.

I was having trouble resolving the piece, because I knew that she needed something to lift her to completion.

Then, my friend, Carma, who sings and dances with Jim and Susan and Barb in Corazone del Flamenco gave me a beautiful little black necklace with tiny birds, and Voila! Done! The birds were exactly what Terpsichore was needing (demanding!)

She’s at the #HarcourtHouseGallery in Edmonton until November 23.

I’ll post more pics of pieces from ‘Follow the Thread’ soon.

#YEG #YEGflamenco #YEGart #YEGweaving #YEGtapestry

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Filed under band loom, lace making, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, tapestry, weaving & handwoven, Woven Women tapestries and woven works

Teneriffe Lace Weave Along- Teneriffe Lace Mask

Project 2 in the Teneriffe Lace Weave Along is a lace mask:

For the Weave Along, you will need to make:

Please go to LINK for the links to all the instructions to make the triangles, circles and squares in Teneriffe Lace.

Here is the template for the mask:

Here’s how the motifs look when they are laid out on the template:

And, here is the video showing how to make the Teneriffe Lace Mask:

Happy Lace Making! 😀

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Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, lace making, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Teneriffe lace, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, weave along

Teneriffe Lace Weave Along – Project One- The Heart

Here’s the first project in the Teneriffe Lace Weave Along-  The Heart:

In the video, I’ll show you how to stitch the Teneriffe Lace shapes together to make the Heart.

You’ll also learn how to fill in gaps between shapes.

Here’s the video:

Here’s the link to the post that has all the videos in the Weave Along:  LINK

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Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, lace making, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Teneriffe lace, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, weave along

Teneriffe Lace Triangle Motif

One of the foundation shapes for the Teneriffe Lace Weave Along is the Triangle:

Here’s the video on how to make the Triangle:

Here’s the link for the post that has all the links for the Teneriffe Lace Weave Along: LINK

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Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, lace making, Teneriffe lace, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, weave along, weaving & handwoven

Hexagon Loom Weaving- Tapestry

Tapestry weaving on small looms is a delight.

I’ve made a small video tutorial to show how to weave tapestries on the hexagon loom.

This piece was woven on the 4 inch hexagon loom from Dewberry Ridge Looms LINK, but it can also be woven on 2 inch or 6 inch looms.

Tapestry weaving on hexagon looms will work well for people who make their own hexagon tiles for their games.

This one is part of a larger piece that I will be videoing when it’s done.

Happy weaving!  Happy hexagons!


Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, hexagon loom, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, tapestry, tutorial & how to, video tutorial

Pivoting clamp for pipe style tapestry loom

The Archie Brennan copper pipe looms are easy-ish to build and wonderful to weave on.

Here’s a link to the instructions that we used to build mine: LINK

It struck me that warping the pipe loom would be so much easier if I could pivot and spin the loom.

I saw a video on Youtube that showed a woman rotating her loom to warp it and that got my gears clicking.

And, so, I designed a set of pivoting clamps for the pipe loom, and now warping the pipe loom is just BLISS!!!!!

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

Here’s the video tutorial for them in action:

By the way, the finished size of my clamps is:

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I am pleased as can be with them!

Note: The clamps can easily be moved on or off looms that are already warped, so switching looms on and off a stand is easy peasy.

To see the stand that we built, please go to


Happy weaving!


Filed under Loom & looms & small loom weaving, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, weaving & handwoven