Tag Archives: Lucet

How to make lucet cord with the Bee and Ladybug Vasilisa Doll lucets

In my previous post, LINK, I showed how to make lucet cord with the Vasilisa Comfort Dolls that have peg legs.

There are also links to a whole slew of videos that I have made about what to make with lucet cord in that post.

I have made another video tutorial that shows how to make lucet cord with the Bee and Ladybug Vasilisa Doll lucets that I design and make.

Here’s the for the video:

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Filed under carved wooden dolls, carving wood, doll & dolls & dollmaking & doll making, Lucet, tutorial & how to, Vasilisa dolls, video tutorial, woodwork

How to make lucet cord with the Vasilisa Doll Lucets

I have been enjoying designing and carving Vasilisa Comfort Dolls that are also lucet cord makers.

If you would like to adopt one of the Vasilisa Comfort Doll lucets, please send me a message.

Here’s a video that I made to show how to make lucet cord with the Vasilisa dollies with legs:

Here is a list of ‘how to videos’ for lucets:

#1- Basic cord:

#2- How to add buttons, beads and charms

#3- Button closures

#4- Celtic knots and interlaces

#5- Shoe laces

#6- Celtic Interlace Hearts

Lucet cord butterfly:

How to attach lucet cord to garments:


Filed under carved wooden dolls, doll & dolls & dollmaking & doll making, Lucet, tutorial & how to, Vasilisa dolls, video tutorial, wooden dolls

How to use Lucet cords to embellish garments

Lucet cords are great for making a favorite garment even more special as they make gorgeous embellishments on clothing.

. The Latchet Lucet allows you to make miles of lucet cord quickly so you can add fab flourishes to garments that you are sewing yourself or to make store bought clothing one of a kind.

This video gives tips, hacks and techniques on how to successfully apply lucet cord to clothing, but you can just as easily add it to curtains, hats, bags or pillows.

The Latchet lucet can be purchased from: https://www.dewberryridge.com/products/latchet-lucet#

The patterns for the asymmetrical jacket and vest came from the book: Bold & Beautiful Easy Sew Clothes by Habibe Acikgoz. ISBN:978-1-250-02365-0 published by St. Martin’s Griffin

Here’s a video showing how to apply lucet cord to clothing:


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Latchet Lucet – Working with different thickness of yarns

People have been asking about working with both thin yarns, threads and cords as well as thicker yarns on the Latchet Lucet.

This video shows the stitch wiggle trick that draws up the excess thread when working with fine cords, threads or yarns. As for thicker yarns, no problem- working with roving yarns makes very effective lucet cords.

Lucets are not like crochet hooks or knitting needles that have to be specific to the yarn.

You can work with a huge range of yarn thicknesses, types and weights of yarn on lucets. The one trick to be aware of with the Latchet Lucet is to keep the yarn that goes across the latchets at a very light tension, and then tighten the stitches up AFTER they are formed.

To buy a Latchet Lucet, please go to:


Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, Lucet, tutorial & how to, video tutorial

One handed Lucet cord on the Latchet Lucet

In my previous post, LINK, I introduced the wonderful Latchet Lucet that I designed and Dewberry Ridge looms is building and selling.

A lady asked me if it’s possible to make lucet cord with just one hand when using the Latchet Lucet.

My first response was- Of course!

Then then, I thought: Oh! I should try it…

And I did, and it works great!

I made a little video showing how to do the One Handed Lucet Cord (very Zen 🙂  )

I am so pleased that people who have an injury or a challenge of some other sort will be able to create beauty with the Latchet Lucet!  Yay!

My Celtic Interlace necklace pattern in my etsy shop works great with Lucet cord: LINK

All the lucet cord projects on my youtube video channel LINK work beautifully with the Latchet Lucet cords.

Here’s the link to buy the Latchet Lucet: LINK

Happy cords!


Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, jewelry, Lucet

How to weave a vest on the Triangle loom- Part 2

In my previous post, LINK, I showed how to set up the loom, warp and start the weaving.

I posted the list of materials and equipment that you need to weave a bias vest on the 7 foot triangle loom.

In this video, I show how to finish the weaving, including:

Tri Loom Vest Title Leno

Here is the second video:

Happy weaving!


Filed under Dewberry Ridge looms, Heart Loom, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, Lucet, potholder loom, Thumbelina Loom, Triangle loom weaving, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, weaving & handwoven

Lucet techniques- 6- Celtic Interlace Hearts

This is the 6th how to video in Noreen Crone-Findlay’s series of Lucet technique tutorials.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

In this video, I show  how to make gorgeous Celtic interlace hearts that you can use to embellish woven, knitted, crocheted or sewn fashion accessories or home decor items.

They are also great for scrapbooking and can be used on stationery.

They are perfect  Valentines or as Christmas or birthday decorations and ornaments.

Another wonderful way of using these Celtic Interlace hearts is to hang them up as ‘Yarn Bombs’ for people to find and adopt. What a lovely way to brighten someone’s day!

The video shows how to make different sizes of the Celtic Interlace Heart.

Here is the template- print it out so that it’s about 5 inches square, but smaller or larger works just fine, too.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

Spool knitted cords work fine for making the Celtic interlace hearts, too.

Here is the video tutorial:


Please go to https://www.etsy.com/listing/190037126/handmade-wooden-lucet-by-noreen-crone?ref=listing-1 to purchase one of my  handmade lucets, and to check out all the nifty spool knitting patterns and eBooks, as all those patterns will work beautifully with Lucet cords.

This is Noreen Crone-Findlay’s original design and concept. 


Filed under Lucet, tutorial & how to, video tutorial

Lucet techniques- 5 – Shoelaces- upcycle to make aiglets

This is the 5th how to video in my series of Lucet technique tutorials.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

In this video tutorial, I show how to make awesome shoelaces, and a great upcycling way of  making those little thingies at the end of the laces.

I couldn’t remember the right name for them when I was making the video, and called them ‘aplets’, but the correct name is ‘aglets or aiglets’.

Wikipedia defines them as: The word aglet (or aiglet) comes from Old French aguillette (or aiguillette), which is the diminutive of aguille (or aiguille), meaning needle.[1] This in turn comes from acus, Latin for needle. An aglet is like a small needle at the end of a corde

Here’s the video:

Please go to https://www.etsy.com/listing/190037126/handmade-wooden-lucet-by-noreen-crone?ref=listing-1 to purchase one of my sweet little handmade lucets, and to check out all the nifty spool knitting patterns and eBooks, as all those patterns will work beautifully with Lucet cords.

This is Noreen Crone-Findlay’s original design and concept.

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Filed under eco crafts & green projects, Lucet, tutorial & how to, video tutorial

4 videos on Lucet cord making techniques

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

I absolutely love Lucets.

I have designed and made a very small lucet that is my all time favorite.

It’s only 2 inches by 2 inches, and so it’s so easy to take with you wherever you go.

I am selling them in my etsy shop, here:


I’ve made 4 video tutorials that show how to use the Lucet to make cords, and then some wonderful things to make with them.

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay www.crone-findlay.com

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

The first video shows the basics of cordmaking on a Lucet:

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

The second video shows how to add buttons, beads, charms and found objects to lucet cord – great way to make a wrap bracelet:


copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

The third video tutorial shows 3 different ways of making button closures using Lucet cords:



The 4th video shows how to make knots and  Celtic interlaces  to make beautiful embellishments and jewelry:

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com


Here’s the template for the 4 loop Celtic interlace knot:

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.crone-findlay.com

All my spool knitted patterns and designs will work beautifully with Lucet cords, so please check out my etsy shop for those, too: Link

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Filed under buttons, jewelry, Lucet, tutorial & how to, video tutorial