Tag Archives: tatting

Tatting Shuttles by Noreen Crone-Findlay and useful video links too

Tatting is one of my most favorite things- I never leave the house without a little tin or pouch that has tatting shuttles, thread, a tiny hook and tiny scissors in it.

I have been busy in the woodworking room again… carving more Goddess and Hedgehog tatting shuttles.

Until the end of the year, I will be reducing the price of the Goddess shuttles to $39 + shipping and the Hedgehogs to $25 + shipping.

Please message me if you are interested.

Here are some helpful videos about my Goddess Tatting shuttles:

This video shows how to wind thread onto the Goddess Tatting shuttles:https://youtu.be/94vbtAd9THg

This video shows how to weave with the Goddess tatting shuttles:https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5RZ5_JZPM/

This video shows how to add a cord so you can wear the Goddess tatting shuttle as a necklace:https://www.instagram.com/p/CN2ppKup68P/

How to tat a necklace cord:https://www.instagram.com/p/CN8AV6HJAW2/


Filed under carving wood, Goddess tatting shuttles, Hedgehog tatting shuttles, lace making, tatting, tutorial & how to, video tutorial, woodwork

Elise was a Piano Once Upon a Time

This is a true story.

This is the story of how a tiny doll and her special hedgehog friend came to live in my studio….

Long, long ago, there was a seed, well several seeds, really.

They grew up and became majestic trees.

They sang the song of the wind and the sun and the moon and the rain and the stars for probably hundreds of years.

And, then they were cut down.

They became a piano.

And the piano sang  songs of love, and sadness and grief and joy.

Eventually, the piano wore out.  Completely.

The piano tuner shook his head sadly and declared it to be done.

But he had a friend who made things with wood, so he offered some of the wood from the piano to his friend.

His friend happily accepted the wood from the sad and gone piano, and because he is a generous and kind person,

he offered some pieces of the wood to his Mum.

That’s me.

I was sure I could feel a very, very tiny doll singing little tiny songs inside the wooden scrap….

I cut a little bit of the piano wood and loved how it felt in my hands….

I cut out rough shapes that would be just the right size to carve my favorite size of doll- 2 and a half inches tall.

I carved:

and carved:

and carved and carved and carved some more.

While I was carving, I asked her what her name is,

and she declared: “Elise, of course!”

She said that even though she preferred playing Mozart when she was a piano,

that she had always loved it when her family played ‘Fur Elise’.

(An interesting thing happened when I told my daughter about tiny Elise-

she knew, even before I said Elise’s name that that was the name of this tiny, but

determined little wooden person!)

Elise let me know that she wanted old fashioned boots

and cream colored stockings and camisole

and that lovely amber color from the shellac for her hair.

She also told me that she wanted me to tat her dress,

and while I was at it, to make the tatting shuttle that I would use

to tat her dress.

And, to make the tatting shuttle a hedgehog, and

to use the bit of wood that was around the lock that used to keep the piano closed.

Elise  helped me to figure out how to get the lock out of the wood….

She insisted that the lovely round brass keyhole had to become part of her tatting shuttle.

Elise chose some old tatting cotton that I had been given

(from the estate of the friend of a friend who didn’t know what to do with it)

Elise and I started freeform tatting her dress.

Sometimes, it didn’t go well.  sigh.

Tatting is the pits to try and unpick, so scissors were the best option:

Elise got a little annoyed at times with all the trying on and taking off of the dress,

but I reminded her that she was the one who demanded it be tatted-

crochet would have been infinitely faster!

She fell on her face and refused to co-operate for awhile, but eventually,

calmed down and we got on with the tatting:

Eventually, Elise’s dress was done.

It’s a bit cattywombus but Elise has forgiven me for that.

She understands that freeforming when making a tatted dress can mean that things are slightly ‘unique’.

Elise is looking forward to having adventures with the other wooden dolls in the studio.

She has placed a few requests for things that she would like to have, thank you very much.

Elise may look young, but you must remember, that she’s a doll with a long, long story!

(and has more to tell, but that is for another day and until then, she and her hedgehog friend will enjoy life in the studio).


I have joined a group of wonderful bloggers from all over the world – The Scrap Happy Bloggers- who work with upcycled materials and post once a month.

Here are the links to all their blogs: Do check them out 🙂

Kate Gun, EvaSue, Lynn, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy,  Tracy, Jill,
Claire, JanMoira, SandraChrisAlys,
KerryClaireJeanJon, HayleyDawn,
Gwen, Bekki, Sue L, Sunny, Kjerstin,
Vera, NanetteAnn, Dawn 2 and Noreen


Filed under carving wood, doll & dolls & dollmaking & doll making, eco crafts & green projects, lace making, tatting, upcycling, wooden dolls, woodwork

Woven Women: Stardust Woman

copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay http://www.tottietalkscrafts.com

For many months, I have been working on a new Woven Woman that is based on Rumi’s poem:

‘We came whirling out of nothingness

Scattering stars like dust…..

The stars made a circle

and in the middle

we danced’

I wove the words on the magical narrow band loom that my son and I created- LINK

using a double slotted rigid heddle.

To weave the letters, I graphed out my hand writing and experimented until the letters wove up in a pleasing manner, both technically, and aesthetically.

I also used the dragonfly and star looms that I designed for Dewberry Ridge looms – LINK

And, I included some tatting, too.

I made the face and hands from 1/2 inch plywood and the backdrop from 1/4 inch plywood.

She’s a departure from the direction I have been going with my Woven Women, so I really questioned myself about her.

She spent quite a long time on the dining room table as I moved her component parts from here to there.

And now,  completed, she measures 11 inches wide and from the top of the arch to the tassel at her hem is more than 60 inches.

But, I feel really drawn to weave words right now, so I will continue to do more….

The next Woven Woman is on the loom already. 🙂


Filed under band loom

One of a kind woven art doll-Green Empress and a mini studio tour

Over the last couple of years, I have been weaving a series of tapestries and one of a kind art dolls.


I am calling this series, ‘Woven Women’. I made a little video mini tour of one corner of my studio, showing ‘The Green Empress’.

The Green Empress brings together many of my favorite fiber techniques: Tapestry weaving, inkle weaving, small loom weaving, crochet, wire work, tatting and punch needle embroidery.

My plan is to eventually have enough ‘Woven Women’ for a one woman show. I don’t have enough of them finished yet, but I am working on it!

Here are some more photos and the video tour that shows The Green Empress:



Her face is punch needle embroidery and her crown is tapestry weave.


Her hands are heavy gauge wire, wrapped with cotton thread. They are cupped so they can hold small objects.

Her arms are inkle bands and 2 inch Weave it Squares, stitched and shaped and layered.


Her feet are a combination of 2 inch squares that I wove on my vintage Weave it loom, with Inkle weaving.

I just kept stitching and shaping until I was happy with her feet.


I crocheted wire in an open work mesh to shape her body and skirt.

They, I wove miles of inkle bands (woven on my Schacht inkle loom) through them.

I also wove in tatted lace, too. The skirt is about 24 inches wide, but is folded and stitched.


This closeup shows a small panel of punch needle embroidery , tatting, inkle weaving and the copper wire armature.


Close up of one eye and part of the crown.  You can see that I love Byzantine art, as there is a definite influence here.

And, here is the link to a mini studio tour, with my wonderful husband playing one of his compositions (with our small dog in his lap, as small dog insists on sitting in Jim’s lap when he plays and practices!)


Filed under crochet, doll & dolls & dollmaking & doll making, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, weaving & handwoven, Woven Women tapestries and woven works

Fanciful freeform stole with Lily Speed-O-Weave motifs, crochet, spool knitting & inkle bands

I am just so happy, as I have been working really hard for the last 9 months on a book that has taken years to create. AND, today, I released it!

It’s: The Lily Speed-O-Weave Loom Book: Fab New How To’s, Designs & Projects For a Vintage Classic Loom  (click on the title for the link to my etsy shop)

It’s full of how to techniques, including nifty things that I figured out, like how to weave half hexagons and triangles on the hexagon loom, so you can make awesome stuff. (like baskets and coats and vests and bags and and and)

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

One of my fave inspiration pieces in the book is a Freeform stole that I made using hexagons from the Lily Speed-O-Weave loom, as well as crocheted motifs (lots of fairies, flowers, hearts and butterflies), spool knitting, inkle band weaving, potholder loom motifs, and tatting, all connected by crocheted chain stitches.

I wanted to inspire people to think outside the box when they are playing with small loom weaving, and to feel brave about combining it with crochet, tatting, spool knitting and, of course, their Lily Speed-O-Weave loom motifs.

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Lily Speed-o-weave freeform stole by Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

I couldn’t resist putting in the pic of our greyhound. As soon as I laid the stole down to take pics, he was on it.

He was sure it was for him!


This stole drapes beautifully and is wonderfully comfortable to wear.  Hope it inspires you to play with your yarn in new ways!




Filed under hexagon loom, Loom & looms & small loom weaving, weaving & handwoven

Mardi gras butterfly masks


Somehow, I don’t think that I will ever go to New Orleans for the real Mardi Gras,

but that won’t stop me from celebrating in my studio!

I made these Mardi Gras masks with all kinds of techniques and things that I love:

Tatting, spool knitting, crochet, butterflies, Grandma’s vintage buttons, beads and other found objects, as well as woodworking.

Feels like a celebration to me!

Happy Mardi Gras!

Images and text are copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay and not to be copied without her permission.


Filed under crochet, spool knitter & spoolknitter & spool knitting & spool knitting

Hand made GREEN book Challenge


On the Spool knitting group on yahoo, we’ve been talking about paper vs pdf patterns.

Several of the clever women there have said that they print out their pdf’s, slip them into plastic sleeves and pop them into a binder.  The patterns never get lost that way.

WELL! That has inspired me!


I LOVE making journals, notebooks, sketchbooks  etc. that are one of a kind, eco friendly and oh so artsy.

So….. why not make your own book to store your pdf’s and loose patterns?

You could make 2 covers from cardboard or plywood or veneer or chipboard or somthing else, and then decorate them any way that you wanted to.

Then- spool knit, or tat or crochet or braid or kumihimo or  use any other method of making a cord.

Use the cords to hold your pdf book together….

And, if you didn’t want to use plastic sleeves, you could punch holes in large envelopes, label them, and store your pdf’s and pattern bits and pieces in there….

And, Voial! your pdf’s, notes, sketches, clippings  and patterns won’t ever get lost!     Yay!








A N D !


Take pics and post them to your blog

or wherever you post your pics

and then send me a link

so we can all be inspired and admire.

Who is the challenge open to?

ANYONE.  Everyone….

Any crafter who loves making recycled and reclaimed and upcycled stuff.

People who like making books.

People who have never made a book.

This challenge is  for spool knitters, tatters, scrapbookers, weavers, crocheters, yarnies and crafters in general .

Show us how  it works for you to store your pdf’s, clippings and loose sketches, notes and patterns….

There should be a prize, shouldn’t there?

Okay…. I’ll work on something special for the winner… not telling what, yet.

The challenge STARTS NOW

and is open ended,

but I will award a prize on APRIL 22,

because that’s EARTH DAY

okay everyone…. get to work!

I have posted pics of some of the handmade books I’ve made over the years –

Here are the links to: Books with Origami Angels

images and text on this blog are copyright protected

so please don’t copy them without Noreen Crone-Findlay’s permission.



Filed under eco crafts & green projects

Introducing Tottie Tomato

Tottie Tomato began her life on another blog that I used to write, in September 2007.

Tottie has had many adventures, and has undergone several transformations.

She’s just had another one!

Yes…. my spool knitters have been oh so busy! and


here SHE IS!

Tottie Tomato has emerged once again from the Story Door and she is delighted with her new body!

Tottie Tomato and I look forward to talking about all the crafts we love –  spool knitting, small loom weaving, doll making, puppets, crochet, sewing, knitting, tatting, recycling and refashioning…. to name just a few.

Tottie and I will be sharing all manner of tutorials and look forward to visiting with you often – and, oh yes, Tottie loves contests, so there will be contests!

Image Source: Noreen Crone-Findlay copyright

Please note that all text and images are copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay, and are her original work. They are not to be copied or used in any way without Noreen Crone-Findlay’s consent.


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